
In the unlikely event you are unhappy with your purchase then please email to see if our customer service team can resolve the matter.If not you can return the item within 30 days. It must be in its original brand new condition, not worn and with its original tags with no odours.

Please note some of our items are non returnable due to hygiene reasons but this will be clearly noted in your products description at point of sale.

Please complete the returns note in full detail that came with your order.

The Secret Boutique does not cover the cost of returning your item.

We do not accept responsibility for returned parcels until they are received back at our HQ office. We highly recommend you use a trackable signed service that’s insured.


Once the item is received back and meets our requirements (not worn, not marked, odour free, tags attached and complete) we will then start the process of your refund.
The Secret Boutique will not refund the cost of the original delivery charge.


Please complete the returns note, clearly stating the size (if any) order number and exact description. Please note we only offer exchange to the same value. Exchanges can take up to 5-7 days to process.

Our returns policy does not effect your statutory rights. It is your responsibility to ensure your item reaches us safely. We strongly advise you use you use a delivery company that’s tracks and insured your goods to the value of your purchase. Please keep all receipts until we have acknowledged your return and a refund has been issued.

Returns address:

The Secret Boutique
52 Boldmere Road 

Sutton Coldfield 

West Midlands 
b73 5tj 

0121 448 6110 

Items purchased at one of our shows can only be exchanged or issued with a credit note which is valid for 3 months. These items will not be refunded.